
Taxi Prague


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Transfer Prague airport

Taxi from Prague airport to city center

How to get from Prague airport to the city center using all types of transport. You can take a bus or order a taxi from Garsia Tour. On the bus, it will cost less, but you will have to carry your suitcases after a long flight. But to order a taxi to the city center of Prague from the airport, the driver of the Garsia tour company will help you with your suitcases at the airport, and upon arrival in the center of Prague.

yellow taxi

yellow taxi

Bus from Václav Havel airport to the center of Prague

Route number 119 is the most popular way to get from Prague airport to the city. It constantly runs throughout the day, its final destination is the Nádraží Veleslavín metro station (green line), the journey to it takes 15 minutes. Route number 100 will take you from the airport to the Zličín metro station (yellow line). B way – 18 minutes. Route No. 191 goes through Petřinu (green line) and Anděl (yellow line) metro stations. The journey takes 25 and 45 minutes respectively. Night route No. 910 operates from midnight to 4:00 and goes almost to the city center – to the metro station I. P. Pavlova (however, the metro does not work at night). You will be taken to I. P. Pavlova in 45 minutes. After that, the bus makes two more stops: Kačerov and Modřanu (if that tells you something). How much does it cost to get from Prague airport to the center by public transport? The answer will please you: for all these buses, regular tickets for public transport are valid for 30 crowns (30 minutes) and 40 crowns (90 minutes).

taxi prague

taxi prague

Taxi from Prague airport to city center or hotel

The advantages of taxi Garsia tour are obvious before the bus: fast, comfortable, individual. Price difference. However, the cost of a taxi from Prague airport to the city center or to your hotel starts from 25 euros, which by European standards is very inexpensive. You can order a taxi from Prague airport to the city by calling +420 773 477 799 viber and whatsapp, in advance before the trip, you can place an order on the Garsia tour website via the Internet, the price will be the same, the price is calculated for the whole car, not per person.

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